Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My Name, My Sister, My Life

21/365: Me

Kerry Lane

There's a lot to be said about a name. Anybody's name really. But my name has had special significance for me--beyond the obvious reasons. My name has opened up doors of communication for me to talk about where I come from, who I am, and what kind of person I am.

When I was 16 a boy I deeply cared about told me that it was the most beautiful name he'd ever heard. While the feelings for the boy changed, the security he gave me in that one aspect of myself never did.  The feeling that my name is something special stayed.

Now, working with children, I understand how important a name can be. From day one it is yours. For most children it's the one thing they can control, manipulate, and call only theirs. Down to the way people pronounce it, spell it, give it nicknames; it's all yours. 

I love that my name is sometimes a boys name, and the spelling is rare for a girl. I like that my name is totally me. It's the only thing about me I've never wanted to change. 

22/365: Birthday

Our Apartment. Specifically: Brighid's Room.

My sister turned 25 this year. 25 balloons. 25 pictures. 25 reasons I love this girl.

Disappointingly (for repetitions sake), it cost me $24.

 23/365: Low Light

My School

"The rhythm of life is when you experience your own body, mind and soul."

The lack of oxford comma makes me think that this quote has so many different interpretations (now I have Vampire Weekend stuck in my head). I like to think of it in a way that reflects on my own life because I'm selfish and it's my fricken cup o' tea. 

My dad once told me in high school--in a fit of me trying to be anyone but me--"Kerry, it is so much easier to just be you." It took me awhile to understand this, to try this, and then to believe this. Now I understand more than ever how awesome it is to experience your life your own way.

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