Tuesday, February 12, 2013



There are moments in your relationship where you get to step back and say, "Yes. This is why we work." There are also, of course, times where you say, "You know what, this is why I'm glad my thoughts aren't projected out and you're not a vampire like Edward and can read my thoughts." But let's talk about the former because yesterday was our anniversary, so, like, love and stuff.

I see photos like this one frequently. They're posted on various blogs--probably all uploaded by puppy love-lapping teenagers. Yet, I shamelessly love love and so I admit that I've always wanted to take a posed "heart" photo. So here's where I get to the whole, "This is why we work" statement. I said, "Hey Eric, I need your hand in a photo." And he said, "Okay, just let me clip my nails." Because that's the man I love and live with. 

We've been together 6 years now and there are so many things I could say about that. But I guess I'll just say this. He doesn't tell me to take my sketch books off the bed, he doesn't complain about the glitter on the kitchen table, he doesn't say a word when I read with the lights on until 2am, and he never asks questions when I have one of the following in my hand: my phone, my camera, a pencil, or a painbrush. A man like that? I'll keep him.


A different take on the whole heart photo idea. 

My students made these today to "decorate" our classroom for our Valentines Day party. Little hands...you just have to love them.

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