Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Meet Marnie Ma'am

The days prefacing Marnie:


Brighid's books. I always feel like looking at someone's bookshelf tells you a little bit about them that they could never tell you themselves. I love bookshelf stalking.


It feels so good to accomplish something. Anything. Like hanging the painting I made for Eric. That felt good. Check that ridiculously simple and fast task off the to-do list. 


I got to see my beautiful best friend on Saturday. Our only goals for the weekend were whiskey and new adventures. We conquered. 


Jess and I scoured the city Sunday looking for interesting city art, delicious doughnuts,  and weird coffee venues. We succeeded.



Meet Marnie. Marnie Ma'am to you. She is the sweetest most precious pumpkin of a puppy. I want you to close your eyes and imagine the perfect puppy. Loves to play? Check! Knows how to snuggle? Check! Goes potty when you take her outside? Check! (okay, she also does this inside. But give her a break! She's only 8 weeks).

Eric came home on Sunday with his brother Jay. I was on the phone with my friend Christine but I just knew something was up when I hung up the phone. When I went into the family room there she was. The most beautiful little baby I'd ever seen. I just kept asking, "Is this real?" I couldn't believe it. The best surprise of my life to date.

She's gentle, kind, loves to hug and sleeps through the night :). Oh, and she's all mine.


This blog might very quickly become a Marnie machine. Yesterday she got her first bath. Needless to say she hated it. And all 6 lbs of her needed to be blow dried afterwards. Well, I thought the bath felt cruel...this part was basically torture.  But she's beautiful and softer than ever now and has realized that brushing feels better than heaven.


I came home sick from work today. To Marnie this felt like Christmas (did I mention she was born on Christmas? She's my little Christmas puppy). She didn't understand "sick day" at all. All she wanted to do was jump on me, cry to be held, and bite my hair (she thinks it's a toy grown specifically for her). It took an hour, 3 bathroom breaks, and a lot of belly rubs to get her to this picture point. And then we both napped for a good hour because she's the queen of puppy napping. 

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