Sunday, March 10, 2013

Some Extreme Catch-Up and a Birthday


She is one spoiled puppy. She has more toys than most children.


I am positive Eric is going to love this picture.
He loves all the pictures of himself that I take. Especially when we're at a bar and he's trying to watch the game. Yup.


Last weekend we went to visit our parents' houses. My mom is not a dog person. Or so she says. Every time I turned around she was holding Marnie.This obviously says something about how awesome my dog is.


I drew this for Eric when we first started dating. For our first Christmas together I walked through 3 feet of snow to get to the only Michaels in Chicago (that I knew of at the time. I was a naive Chicagoan then) to get it framed. It's been sitting on our floor since we moved. I should probably take the time to hang it.


I love how monochromatic this turned out without any editing. Finding natural black and white in nature is something I'm not very good at, but am obsessed with. This is actually Marnie's "potty spot." She keeps finding all these twigs to chew on and I didn't know where from. I looked up and this is what I saw. Funny the things you find when you remember to look up. 


Tuesday we finally had a snow day. Brighid and I spent the day spoiling Marnie, catching up on HBO and Showtime shows, and wine. We drank wine. I love the reflection of the candle off the wine glass. And how weirdly distorted Brighid looks through the glass. I'm sure she loves that too.


If it's not pictures of my dog, you're getting pictures of trees. Sorry. There are plenty of downsides to where I live, but one upside are all the trees and forest preserves. I'm minorly obsessed with a good "naked" tree.


I love this woman's blog so much (enjoyingthesmallthings). Her book is so passionately written. I cannot put it down.


Marnie has a lot of toys from different people and different friends (this one being from the lovely Katelyn). It's a good thing they're all soft toys because I step on one every hour it seems.


I had a wonderful Saturday with some wonderful people. We went on a distillery tour at the Koval distillery in Chicago, had delicious food at Hopsleaf, and then came home to get silly with craft beer and a hyper puppy. It was a good Saturday


David and Brighid took Marnie on her first walk through the forest preserve today. She loved it so much. She was completely exhausted when she came back and smelled sufficiently like wet dog.  

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