Sunday, April 7, 2013

Because Sometimes Life Happens and Blogging Doesn't Even Go To The Backburner...It Sits In The Fridge In Tupperwear

Life sure did happen. Here are the photos from the last bajillian days where I did things more awesome than sit on the internet. Well, not really. I just sat on the internet on my phone and not on my laptop where my photos are stored.


My blinds make the coolest shadows in the morning.


We took an imaginary trip to Ireland in my classroom.


Ask anyone, they'll tell you I'm a huge reader. It actually annoys me when people are reading a book I don't know. I have to read everything. I'm a book snob.

But I'm not ashamed to admit I love magazines. In fact, I love magazines where I only have to look at pictures.


We made a leprechaun trap at school. So much fun. I love how innocent my children are sometimes. It's so amazing to watch and learn from them.


We regularly travel all the way to Jess's apartment just to paint our nails. It's our thing.


I sort of died on St. Patrick's Day, and not even for any good reason. This is my only good photo from the day. But it's of a best friend so that's pretty awesome.


I hate being traditional. I hate even being traditional to myself. I love the art I make but I hope that no one ever says, "That looks like something Kerry would have made" because I strive to have no style.


When Brighid and Eric talk politics, David likes to run around the apartment and draw random pictures.


Hot. Chocolate.


I have a vase obsession. I love all shapes and sizes and anything non-traditional. But I don't really like color. Which is weird because I love color everywhere else.


I repainted the shelves in my classroom over spring break. I learned that I am a speedy painter under pressure.


You're about to get a lot of photos from my classroom. I spent a lot of time alone there during Spring Break.


Hey there pretty girl.


My dog has the darkest eyes and nose.


Paintbrushes in my classroom. Frequently used. Seldom cleaned properly.


These are from my classroom. But they make me think of my refrigerator in college and all the awful things we wrote with them. Awfully funny that is.


My bedroom wall at my parents house. I collected black and white photos for a very long time. I rarely, if ever, shoot in black and white but I love the power behind the images.


My bedroom at my parents house.
I spent a few days there over spring break. I was working weird hours and it was better for Marnie to have my parents to feed her.


My bedroom at my parents house.

One of the first textured paintings that I ever did. Not sure how old it is (1998?).


Eric gave me this Jade plant when we first started dating. Somehow my mom and I have not killed it (we're both notorious plant murderers).


Never have I ever met a child or a dog that doesn't love my dad. He's that awesome.


We thought she was our snow dog. Now that it is nice outside we can't get her to want to come in. She's just my outdoorsy woman.


There are so many forest preserves by our house. Marnie loves them.


I love sunflair.


This is the bar my dad made for Eric's family.


I have spring fever. There were snowflakes on my classroom board and I was all, "Hell no, this needs to change." So it did.


We went to the Miller Brewery in Milwaukee this weekend. Free Beer.


My baby's feet. I know I take a lot of pictures of her. But that's my life.

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