Monday, January 28, 2013

Our Weekend

25/365: Party

RAM Restaurant and Brewery

There was a lot to celebrate this Friday. This girl I love just turned 25. This man she loves just returned from the Peace Corps. There was a lot of beer post this picture. Quality craft beer of course.

26/365: Sunset

My Parking Lot

I love trees. I love them almost (almost) as much as my best friend (who practically covered her entire interior of her home with tree-art). Yet, these trees are the reason I get, quite possibly, the worst lighting in my home for photography. It certainly forces me to get outside and take pictures, though. Sunset on Saturday. Let the trees be your guide.

Oh, and that giant hill? Not a hill. Just a crushed and stacked condemned house I used to live next to. Yeah, this is the home my college education (or loans, more accurately) affords me.


My Painting Studio. Bahaha. Just kidding. My family room floor.

Don't tell Eric. He doesn't visit any sort of social media often, so chances are he'll never see this picture. On February 11th we will celebrate 6 years together. There are a thousand and one things I could say about that, but for now I have a picture. In our poverty we've nixed gifts this year, but I told him I'm painting him something. Our song has always been (oddly even before we were dating officially) "Forever" by Ben Harper. I swoon for this song.

28/365: Jumbled

My "Art Studio"

Something almost everyone who knows me knows is that I am obsessively organized. I clean like it's my day job and I organize like my livelihood depends on it. There is one thing that very few people know, though. It's my secret that I'm telling you. There is one place I am more relaxed (wow, never thought of the meaning behind that) and let myself be messy. My "art space"--so not a studio yet. Neatly it is packed in drawers and cloth cubes. But, pull those drawers out and let those cubes fall and here you will encounter my guilty pleasure. The crazy lack of organization that is my creative outlet.  

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