Saturday, January 19, 2013

Apartment Girl Problems

18/365: Jumbled

My Closet.

Because sometimes you open the door, throw yourself on the floor and say, "I have nothing to wear."
Please, don't roll your eyes at me. I know you've done this.

This actually happened. And I looked to my left and my camera was on the floor by my purse so I was like, "Hey, let's capture me being really dramatic." I enjoy the drama I bring to my life. My life is too good...I have to fabricate "bad" things sometimes.


My Spot.

This is what I call a good Saturday morning. My apartment has some truly beautiful trees around it (some were recently cut down. Sad day), but unfortunately it is pretty dark most of the time. I try to grab the natural light when I can. Usually on Saturday morning.

This is my favorite corner to our apartment.

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