Thursday, January 10, 2013

Icy Hearts

9/365: Frozen

Somewhere in Wheeling, Illinois

Near my apartment is string of way fancier apartments. Everything "fancy" in Wheeling, Illinois is signified by fountains. Seriously. If you haven't been to Wheeling I suggest you come out here and make it a game to count all the fountains. We're fountain crazy out here. Anyways, I guess the frost came on hard for this apartment complex. It just so happens to be a group of beautiful apartments located by my favorite bar. There's a giant fountain in the middle and water flows down the stones on the sides (yeah, that's what we call fancy). I passed it earlier (not coming from the bar! Just work) and noticed that the fountain had frozen. Poor fountain; Lucky Kerry: the photo opportunist.  

 10/365: Ordinary

My Home.

Tonight I had my parents and brother over for dinner. My dad had made Eric and me these beautiful nightstands for Christmas to go with the already beautiful bed he made us this past summer. Instead of a drop and run they stayed for homemade pizza and hot chocolate. Weird combination? Yes. But really, why not. Loving the pink marshmallows. Valentine's Day has its criticisms, but frankly I'm a sucker for any celebration/theme. Bring it on! *Yes, I know it's only January* 

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