Saturday, February 9, 2013

Catch Up


Funny how when I hung up these "snowflakes" in the window, there was no snow on the ground.


This is Fred, our albino salamander. He does funny things, like nosedive off of plants. Don't tell him he looks funny, though (or call him pink). His feelings are easily hurt. 


I have decided that snow makes everything a lot more beautiful. The highway I drove home on, the playground my students play on, the abandoned lot beside this picture, and my apartment complex. If you look carefully behind the tree you'll see our dumpster partially covered in snow. What a beautiful dumpster it is with snow on top of it.


With my hours and the limited amount of daylight during winter it seems like I have about 3 spots I can take pictures. And even though I think this playground is a shambles and not age appropriate for my students, it looked beautiful covered in snow at 5pm.


This looks like a staged photograph, but I promise it's not. I'm working on a photo project. Looking back on old photos makes me so happy. I had such a wonderful childhood. 

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