Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Valentines Post...Sort Of.


Sometimes I feel like being wearisomely verbose. Other times, I don't. This is one of those, "I don't" sort of nights.

Yesterday was we had our Valentines parties at school. Everything was magical, sweet, and adorable. The children got so excited to pass out their cards, share their pink, red and white clothes and enjoy a day filled with nothing but fun and food. I started thinking to myself, "Hey, life ain't so bad. I get to have parties at work and get paid for it." And then, in the last ten minutes of my PM class, someone threw up. (He later told his mom it was because he had "too many goodies." C' adorable of a puke excuse is that?).

Anyhow, here I go being long winded when I said I wouldn't. The book in the photo is one from my childhood. I used to love this book. I would pretend I was the little girl in the book and I could catch the hearts falling from the sky (always the romantic I guess). My students loved it (even the puker).


So I didn't make any New Year's resolutions this year. Instead I made New Year's goals. One was this project. Committing myself to one picture a day has proved exciting and sometimes annoying. I started following this one blog and they suggested that once a month you take a self-portrait; this way you keep you in your project.

I'm not a picture taker. I've said it once, probably twice, and I'll say it again. I hate pictures. Well, I love pictures, I just don't like being in them too much. I am. Looking uncomfortable but wearing my fashionable Valentines earrings. I love love (have I mentioned that?).

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