Monday, February 18, 2013

That Weekend Where I Did Nothing


Friday I went to my parents house for dinner. My dad has always kept the family recipes in this cookbook. The front says "photos" because, well, it's a photo album. I love how simple it is. I love the handwritten text, the cross outs where things have been changed, the splatters of tomato sauce and seasonings. In an era of perfection and technology--not to mention "google it" and "album" makes me happy.


So if you know anything at all about me, it's probably my unnatural obsession with accessories (or as I like to call them, "excess"ories). Eric is very patient with this new-found obsession now that we live together. My jewelry needs its own bedroom.

I loved the shadows off my necklaces. Usually it's dark when I'm dressing, so it's nice to see my things in daylight :).


I love books. I love reading too, but I mostly love books. I love the look, the feel, the way they decorate a shelf. This is a smaller bunch of my books, smashed between perfume bottles and a jewelry box my sister made me last Christmas. Downsizing to an apartment has been difficult in surprisingly few ways. I like the simplicity of our life now. Yet, I hate not having all my books in one place. One day they'll move in with us. And Eric thinks all the jewelry takes up space...


So today I went to Eric's lab to see where he spends all his time. They're pretty secure so I couldn't take a picture of anything, but I did snap this photo in the elevator. So scandalous.  

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