Tuesday, February 19, 2013

That White Picket Fence Theory

We all know the idea behind the white picket fence:  life can be perfect and dreamy if we invest enough time into perfection to make it that way.

I recently read the most eye-opening quote about layers on a fence and I realized how much I adore the different colors that my "fence" has become. Sure, it started off white as everyone's does, but through the years there have been layers of dust, dirt, and color that have covered my fences pickets. Through the years I've grown into someone I love more and more. I've grown to the point where I love imperfection and challenge. I've learned that strength is not something you buy at the store, but rather something you accumulate and cultivate over the years. Besides my obvious obsession with color, I've grown to love the layers that a colorful fence can show.

Today is a tough day for a lot of my friends. 7 years ago a life was lost too soon. In current years my family has had their own struggles and losses. Days like today make you look back and want to tell the 16 year old self, "It gets better. Soon you'll bleach the black off your fence and paint it turquoise and purple and dance with your friends in a goofy way that says--nothing matters like loving this moment."

So right now I challenge you to look at the things that seem to matter so much and inspect the truth in that statement. Live in the moment. Love the ones that show their kindness to you...hug the ones that need it the most. Tragedy strikes every now and again but that's when I think of what my father told me once. "Death is for the living."

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