Wednesday, February 20, 2013

We Just Got A Letter


I sincerely hope that my title got you singing the Blues Clues song. My brother had an interest in the show that was beyond the point of obsession when we were little. The freakin' songs became the soundtrack to my childhood, unbeknownst to me at the time.

There are many things to dislike about my apartment complex:
1. It is dark.
2. The hallways smell like they were last cleaned in 1962.
3. Have a mentioned the condemned houses next door?
4. My neighbors to the right have a baby.
5. My neighbors to the left enjoy loud Wednesday sex (really, it's like clockwork).

Yes, it's a very old building. However, the lack of updates has its quirks. For one: this mailbox. It is functioning and what the residents are expected to use for outgoing mail. I love it. Although, when you pull down the hatch it makes an awful sound equivalent to a pterodactyl flying overhead  (or so I imagine). But, I guess that's kind of cool too.

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