Friday, April 26, 2013

Looking Back

I love to look back. I love good memories after a long weekend. I love looking through my parents' photo albums. I love hearing stories about other people's childhoods. But most of all, I just like to personally look back and remember small moments. 

114/365 Craft I did this week that is completely unrelated to what I'm talking about right now.

This week we started our ABC Countdown to summer. I instantly thought of Pajama day and Crazy Hair day (two days that Brighid and I would almost always refuse to participate in. Sister alliance!). But I loved the countdown. Even if I didn't love the activity of the day, it really broke up that last month of school into things to look forward to. I can still remember walking up to the library door and seeing the letter for that day posted. It was always big and bright and a different color of the rainbow. I tried to see if they went in the order of the rainbow when I was in 3rd grade. They didn't. That pissed off the perfectionist in me.

 For B in our classroom we did Book Day. All the students were to bring in their favorite books. I brought in my favorite, too. Caps For Sale. I couldn't tell you how many times we forced my father to read this to us. He never seemed to mind--never once said no. And I loved the way that he would read it. He would make a silly accent for the peddler, and the monkeys always made a different sound when they would talk back. Once I could read independently I temporarily ruined the magic of this book. I realized that my father never read from the book. Each night he would make up his own story to go along with the illustrations.I remember feeling so broken hearted. For some reason I have always dwelled on ends of things, and in this instance I kept thinking, "How am I going to read this to myself when my dad isn't there to read it to me anymore?" Morbid child I was.

We finished the week with C day. Crazy Sock day. I have an inexplicable number of patterned socks. I love holiday socks, colored socks, and fuzzy socks. If I see polka dot socks I have to buy them. I have probably have too many socks. Best. Day. Ever!

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