Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hold On To Spring

Spring finally feels like it has hit the Chicago-land area and we are totally soaking it up. 

Some Instax photos from our weekend. 

I spent the weekend with Jess, saying our farewells to her first Chicago apartment and then attending a beautiful Sox game. Okay, the game was actually pretty awful, but I swear it's like the weather gods knew and they said, "Hey, this is a crappy game but here's your consolation prize...some sun."

My students have caught May Madness and all have a case of the sillies. It's been a major lifesaver to have nice weather so I can move a couple of my subjects outside.

I just love spring so much. I remember telling people when I was little that my favorite holiday was Easter. It's not that I don't like this holiday...but it certainly was not my favorite (hello, Halloween??). I think Easter was a good indicator that my birthday would happen and soon I could run outside with my dogs. I definitely have a hard time sitting still (figuratively) and I love a change of scenery. I love getting up and doing things; outside things. Spring opens the door to all these ideas without it getting hot.

Eric had unusually nice hours at work this week and was able to take a few walks with Marnie and me. We found a few new places in our neighborhood. One being this stream. This stream actually runs behind our apartment complex. It's interesting how seeing something from another angle can change your appreciation of it.

We live right next to a church. It's a beautiful church with a gorgeous rectory. Unfortunately Marnie doesn't appreciate the beauty or the sacredness of a holy lawn. She sniffed. She pooped. The rest is history.

I simply cannot get over how close and easily accessible all the forest preserves are by my apartment. it totally makes up for the smelly building I live in. Having a dog has taught me to appreciate places like this so much more. It has also made me want to hurt people who throw their cigarette butts on the ground. My dog eats a pack a day. Not really...but she tries!

She's a great salamander hunter. Anything for a snack.

I hope this weather keeps up. I wish I could find a spot in the world that stays this cool and warm at the same time. Happy Sunday.

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