Monday, May 13, 2013

Home to Hayward

When I lived in Chicago my roommates and I would have a saying after a long day. This saying was mostly just fun alliteration we liked saying after awhile, but freshmen year it was definitely a way to remember which way to take the Red Line. "Home to Howard." Obviously we never went all the way to Howard, but as long as you weren't North of Lincoln Park, this worked out great. Except for that one silly night with Jburg where we were North of LP and ended up somewhere silly. "Not your stop..." That's another story.


 This weekend we went to Hayward. For the weekend this was our home away from home. I never have a problem falling into the "Hayward groove." There's something about no cell service and just drinking all day that has me thinking this is a place to settle into. If asked if I could ever live in this rural (if that's even a strong enough word) area, the answer would definitely be no. I like my life and my internet and my computer and my Target. But there's something so appealing about getting away for a bit. 

131/365: You can thank David for the penny to show size.,"

We spent the weekend playing Cranium, showing Brighid and David the local "sites," and eating too much fish fry. 


I'm afraid to say too much and ruin the magic of the weekend.

I think Marnie had the most fun. She didn't wear her leash once and got to chase deer and ducks. Dog heaven. 

   133/365: Added some of my favorite Instax photos to the wall after the weekend. 

I'm already dreaming of going back. Happy Monday.  

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